Exclusive Free Masterclass With Adam Lyons Reveals...

Stop Being Single this Christmas

Without the fear of rejection using the magical dating event that only happens once every 365 days!

Reserve Your Ticket Today To Receive This Complimentary Gift!​

Picture of The 52 Signs of Attraction

The 52 Signs of Attraction

KNOW when a woman desires you with the 52 signs of attraction so that you get no confusion about when to make your move

In This Free Masterclass You will:

Tell us where to send your virtual ticket to the upcoming event on: Saturday December the 4th at 11am CT by filling in the form below!

“As a person that’ just always kind of followed Adam’s Youtube channels and his content there, it was very helpful, but actually being able to take a live course and develop all these skills with Adam and kind of learn more of his processes, it’s been very influential in my life. Using some of his processes, I was able to meet three new girls right away, and we had a very fun time. And then I actually got invited to show this Bachelorette party around my area too. So it’s really awesome and exciting. And I totally give credit to Adam for all that, and thank you so much!”

Hi, I'm Adam Lyons

I help Single men overcome their lack of confidence with women to start dating and having incredibly intimate relationships with the hottest women out of anyone they know.


  • Featured on the Steve Harvey Show
  • Written Dating articles for Forbes Magazine
  •  Voted number 1 Dating Coach in the world 3x


I have spent the last 16 years helping over 300,000 single men become the men that women WANT to date, which helps them date a higher quality of woman, and gives them a fulfilling bedroom life too and I’m excited to help you get the same.

“I really appreciate you guys taking the time to produce this because it really is game changing. The amount of information that Adam was able to put together - it’s mind-blowing; like every little piece that he went through, I can totally see situations in the past where I had no idea what I was doing, or why it was happening the way that it did. It just flew over my head. This program with Adam really put into perspective what I can actually see now, and the situations and how I can fix that, which is awesome. This is like a total game changer. Because this is really going to take dating for me, and everything to the next level. And I can totally see the girls I’m dating right now, how I need to go, and where I need to take it. It’s just completely amazing.”
“Before enrolling with Adam, I was kind of frustrated with types of people I was meeting, and just kind of like the same old same old. I wanted better, and I wanted more, but I wasn’t really quite sure how to do it. And I’ve been a student of Adam’s before in another course, so I knew that he could deliver. So I signed up for it. And now, by the end of program, not only did I learn like where, and how to attract high quality people, but I am actually now dating a very high quality woman - like the highest quality woman I’ve ever met in my entire life. And I’m absolutely happy, and almost like, surprised that I was able to do it. But I am, and it was all thanks to Adam. If you’re thinking about signing up, or on the fence about it, just do it and you will not regret it. This is life changing stuff.”
Lewis Preston
Lewis Preston
"For anyone on the fence. I worked with Adam and his methods work. If you wonder why I selected Adam over other dating coaches.... Adam was the only coach that talked about meeting people in the goal of a relationship. It's a different mindset. And a better one!"